www.sulbrasilgeologia.com.br Review:



Sul Brasil Geologia - A empresa Sul Brasil com sede em Cascavel – Paraná, prestadora de serviços desde 2005 nas áreas de Consultoria e Assessoria Ambiental para pessoas físicas e empresas que desenvolvem atividades utilizadoras de recursos naturais. Prestando serviços nas áreas de Geologia, Mineração, Outorgas de Direito, Estanqueidades, entre outros serviços.Uma empresa capacitada para atender as exigências dos órgãos Municipais, Estaduais e Federais.

  • http://www.sulbrasilgeologia.com.br/mineracao Sul Brasil Geologia :: Mineração .:: Ta No Clique: ::. - É um dos segmentos da economia mais importantes e evidentes no nosso dia-a-dia.
  • http://www.sulbrasilgeologia.com.br/estanqueidade Sul Brasil Geologia :: Estanqueidade .:: Ta No Clique: ::. - Tem como objetivo verificar a situação atual de estanqueidade dos equipamentose sistemas destinados ao armazenamento e distribuição de combustíveis.
  • http://www.sulbrasilgeologia.com.br/outorga Sul Brasil Geologia :: Outorga .:: Ta No Clique: ::. - A outorga é instrumento através do qual o Poder Público autoriza o usuárioa utilizar as águas de seu domínio, por tempo determinado e com condiçõespreestabelecidas.

    Country:, South America, BR

    City: -43.2192 , Brazil

  • unknown - Worked for me

    I took a urinalysis for a job that I really wanted, but the clinic that I did the lab work at lost my information in the system. So I got a last minute call from the company (on a thursday) telling me that I had 2 days to complete a hair sample. I was floored but I did some research and found this product. I used it that Saturday and went into a facility to complete a hair sample. Needless to say, I got a call from the company informing me of my start date. I can't help but accredit some if not most of this to the shampoo. But I also have to disclose the fact that I am not a heavy smoker. I had smoked one joint a month prior to testing after MONTHS of a dry spell. I was more concerned with the opiates that may have been present in the hair sample. But again I start the job I've wanted next month. I'd say this product is worth a shot at least *shrugs

  • oldned92 - works just fine

    Again this year I have used Taxcut because it does a fine job. Easy to use, imports perosnal info and 1099's from some brokerage accounts (but not Charles Schwab). I have lots of W-2's, 1099's and stock sales transactions and the Deluxe version of this program handles everything well. I never have to bother keeping up with tax law changes or reading IRS instructions - this program takes care of everything. All I have to do is collect my paperwork, enter the answers the program asks, and it's done. Just wish it could import my 1099 data directly from more sources, like Schwab and more employers. However, this is not a show stopper. May be better in fact because it allows me to review the stock sales data and look for brokerage errors. The program downloaded cleanly and worked first time. Gets better every year.

  • Amazon Customer - Love the badge of honor series

    Love the badge of honor series. My only problem is waiting to long in between books. Broken Trust was a fast read and hard to put down.