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Recent blog posts - - A Canadian-based monthly Christian magazine and website that looks at society and culture from a Calvinist viewpoint.

  • http://www.reformedperspective.ca/entry/first-and-second-things-power-is-a-wonderful-servant-but-a-terrible-master First and Second Things: Power is a wonderful servant but a terrible master - Where have all the outspoken social conservative politicians gone? Can we find them amongst Canada's conservative parties?Sometimes there seems reason to hope. In Ontario, the Progressive Conservative's new leader Patrick Brown had a history of pro-l

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -122.3933 California, United States

  • Bret Juliano - Another home run with the Awkward Yeti comics

    Fantastic collection! Nick Seluk does it again and hits it out of the park with this second collection of Heart and Brain strips! Well worth your time and money, the humor is great and the expanded cast of characters is great fun! Honestly, I think this sequel is better than the first.

  • Rue Facile - Bet your life on this TV! Best picture ever!

    When I found out that Samsung accepted human kidneys as a form of payment I was overjoyed. The price was one and a half kidneys so I told em to keep the change and just take both of them. I'm just out of surgery and the set looks great in the ICU...well from the bed I can see half of it in the nurse's station. Funny...I didn't think you could survive without any kidn

  • A. Xie - Comprehensive list of ingredients that support your brain

    This 60-capsule bottle of Brain Health Formula by Natrogix has your usual supplements for brain function support (Bacopa, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng etc.) as well as a variety of ingredients and herbs that target and aid with stress I have been looking for a single supplement that offers more one single ingredient. The fact that now I can just take an all-in-one pill, in addition to other ingredients that aid with brain support is awesome.

  • Mario Persona - Disapointment

    After using Avira por many years I decided to purchase Bitdefender. Now my computers are very slow, even with Bitdefender working with most of the security options off. The only computer that is ok is the one running the free version, so I suppose I'll have to choose the free version for all the others or go back to Avira. Bitdefender does not only slows down my machines (it uses a lot of resources) but also has an impact on Internet browsing. I feel like someone who, tired of being robbed, decides to live in a prison cell to feel safe. :(

  • Amazon Customer - Super surprised to find it was discontinued

    we have bought i7 in December 2015,& we intended to buy another newer set this year. Super surprised to find it was discontinued! The gaming experience is goooood especially it is partnered with Steam & no prob n surfing. School projects are easy tooo! Cheap & affordable Alienware ever!

  • tashawiththeIASOtea - not what the package says

    When my package came I quickly noticed that it was not at all the same product as the ageless male. It is totally different. It does not do anything for the body there were no changes made.

  • Alex Santangelo - and even then I feel like some schools were not included

    This really had allot of information about the schools that it contained, but was very limited in terms of organization. It is organized by state, but at the graduate level my main concern (personally) is the programs/specialties offered. It was the only option as far as I can see, but it was a hassle to get through, and even then I feel like some schools were not included, so for all that effort I still was not completely sure.