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  • Maria McMahon - Love it!!!

    This product honestly works...a coworker of mine had results so I decided to try it fur myself and lost 4lbs in the first week. It only works strictly with a heaktgy diet and exercise though...I got busy around the holiday season and stopped dieting and exercising and I went back to my normal weight. I just recently started my routine again and lost two pounds already. Anyone who have this product anything below a 4 star review must have relied completely on the pill. If I could post before and after pictures I would.

  • Nette - Better Than I Was Expecting

    So I wasn't sure about this purchase.Although I like some of the stuff I hear by J. cole on the radio, he's a young artist so I was thinking not a lot of thought probably went into his release with the top subjects these days being drugs, sex and money. Well, I was wrong! This is a nice release and I listened to every track and then I did again. Meaty lyrics, great voice, fun sound, sufficient tracks, I am digging this artist and looking forward to going back and hearing some of his earlier releases. His credits were mad funny though you won't sit through them after the first listen.

  • Kirk R - Great pans

    These are really good quality. I like the protection they provide on the handles to prevent burning. They cook evenly and I like the weight. The only drawback is the rivets are not non-stick inside the pans.

  • Irina - we'll I've always sorta had this bad habit of picking and end up with scarring because ...

    Okay, we'll I've always sorta had this bad habit of picking and end up with scarring because of my olive skintone, but a couple years back after turning 18 I started having really bad breakout and was always tempted to try to 'pick'. I started scarring a lot more and ended up more frustrated and stressed out, but I remember i used to visit an esthetician who used similar tools on my face to perform "extractions", and I wouldn't have any scarring afterwords. So in a leap of blind faith and not really sure what I was getting to I bought these, I bought the whole kit, all 5! The product arrived super quickly, I was really excited to try them out as soon as I got them, when I first tried them I was saddened and became easily discouraged and thought it was a 'bust', so the 5kit just sat around my room in solitude for two or so weeks until I decided I'd give them a try again, its like having a new toy and not knowing how to work it, so I prepared myself this time and watched a couple youtube vids with people using similar looking extraction tools, and attempted to mimic what I saw and viola!! Like magic I had learned how to use it (sorta), so far I have only mastered (learned) how to use three of the five tools, my quest is still far from complete but I'm happy with my purchase and I'm glad I took the dive and bought these i use these so so so very often and they great thing is I've used them for the blackheads on my nose, pimples on my face, those weird semi wannabe blackhead I get sometimes on face, and It works for all of it. Now something to note though is that there is a method to how you use each tool and what part of your face your using it on also. Like for example I use the long loop for blackheads on my nose, for blackheads or wannabe blackheads that are on other parts of my face like my chin, cheeks, forehead I use the loop with the shorter handle, and for pimples I like to use the rounded loop. When your using the loops though you want to bring it towards the edge to make it easier to remove, it you apply on center and just press down you won't really achieve much doing that. If you get too confused on how to use these just remember.. Youtube is the savior (in this case), so try to look up Manuals, guides, instructions, how-tos anything that will help and make sure your properly disinfect your tools after each use. Also to keep your skin clean, I wouldn't recommend applying things like makeup onto skin after doing extractions because that can clog pores. I would definitely recommend to anyone looking or thinking of buying something like this.

  • N.Veggiloo - LOVE THE PRICE and performance!.

    So awesome! Everything so far is amazing. I don't even mind the slight Bluetooth delay when watching videos. Cause I'm always multi tasking catching up on shoes while cleaning or working any way. I'm never pinned to the screen. I use this ALL THE TIME. it gets charged fast and lasts about 3.5 or 4 hours if I use it continually. I am getting a second one to switch off charging and using them. 😜

  • haygirl - This was a very nice shirt but

    This was a very nice shirt but , I ordered an XL so it would be loose enough to wear something under it , but it was too small and form fitting ,I just returned the shirt.

  • Daniel Durr, Jr - Learning curve involved, but great support and a very powerful piece of software

    This is not quite as easy to use as I thought it would be from reading other reviews, but it is definitely a powerful program nonetheless. We just designed our house with it, and even though our house isn't a particularly complicated shape or anything like that, we still struggled to get it right. Many of the necessary features were not available without stepping up to the version that costs hundreds of dollars, which starts to diminish its appeal compared to going to a draftsman. However, it was far better than two competitors that I previously tried, and there is no question that it is a powerful program that can do a lot if you are willing to put in the time to learn its idiosyncrasies.