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OslerCast - A podcast featuring interviews with experts on topics relevant to the practice of internal medicine. - An audio podcast and blog for internists and trainees studying internal medicine. We aim to extend the vibrant #FOAMed discussion to include more internists.

  • http://www.oslercast.com/laragh/ Exploring the Laragh method of treating hypertension - An introduction to the Laragh method of treating hypertension, using clinical estimation and laboratory measurement of a patient's renin activity.
  • http://www.oslercast.com/catatonia/ How to start recognizing catatonia - OslerCast - Eric interviews Dr. Heidi Combs, associate prof. of psychiatry at Harborview Med Center, about how to recognize and treat catatonia in medical inpatients.
  • http://www.oslercast.com/welcome/ Welcome to OslerCast - OslerCast is a a free, open-access medical education podcast covering topics in internal medicine.
  • http://www.oslercast.com/links/ Free Open Access MedEd (FOAM) Links - Check out these links to great sites, which are mostly FOAM (free, open-access medical education).

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  • B.M. - Does Not Interface with Data From my HR Block.com Account

    I was disappointed to find out it doesn't interact with my HR Block online information. I've filed online for many years, but due to the great price, I bought this thinking it would work the exact same. It doesn't. I have so much history in my online account, it's not worth re-inventing the wheel and entering all this data again. It's crazy that their software can't import from their web version - now I'm shelling out money twice.

  • Terri Fossey - DEFINATELY NOT WEN!

    I thought I'd give this a try since I really, really love WEN but feel the price is too high. It seems that I had to use more of Hair One than I do of WEN. Hair One was actually hard to get off my hands, it does not easily let your fingers glide through your hair like WEN. There was also a major difference in the fragrance...WEN smells amazing and Hair One is just an OK normal shampoo smell. After cleansing, my hair felt much more dried out as compared to using WEN. My hair "looked" good, but it did not "feel" as healthy and soft as when I used WEN. While the price is more of what I would like to pay, the performance was nowhere near that of WEN. So, I will not be buying Hair One again and even though I love WEN I will only be able to buy it when I get gift cards for Christmas and birthdays or if I win the lottery!

  • Jenna - Rip off

    I bought this straightener at a mall an it's awful! It has made my hair so dry and brittle! Buy a CHI, they are the best

  • Diane A. King - Not Yeti's, Knock Off's

    After looking at these cups I have compared them to the YETI cup I already own and I don't believe these are originals, the lids have a blue tint to them which my YETI does not. I have called YETI and they have informed that they have not changed their lids and their lids are not blue tinged. They also are much weaker since all 4 were broken on delivery, not a true Yeti, my original one has gone through heck and the lid is still going strong. The etching on these lids are also not the same, not as precise. I would have kept them if they all wouldn't have been chipped, I have knock offs that work great but I knew they were knock offs. Not sure the seller knows they are.

  • Brendabarb57 - great book!

    I am so excited to share this book and all the others to my family and friends! I am looking forward to the movies and can't wait to see how they come out!

  • Evil Critic - I wanted to give it just 1 star, but I got it working by cheating.

    It wouldn't light. I reviewed all, and I mean ALL instructions I could find on the internet. I gave up. I figured if I was going to find an answer that I would have to create it myself.

  • Brittany Gessendorf - I already like them 100 percent more than the other brand I ...

    I already like them 100 percent more than the other brand I was using. packed with beauty and health goodness that your body and skin will thank you for! I can already tell my skin has been glowing and my nails are looking healthier than the whole month long of taking my previous product! I am so happy about these I will definitely continue taking these after my current bottle is finished. I was lucky enough to receive these complimentary for review however that does not impact how I express my review and these are absolutely worth every penny! I cannot wait to see how these help my skin texture as well and look forward to reaping the continued benefits these awesome gummies offer!