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  • A Reader - User interface kills it

    I purchased this directly from Acronis to upgrade from Acronis 2014. While it does create backups and you can restore those backups, the user interface is worthless. It uses the BIG graphics and text, wasting a huge amount of space. When it comes to restoring a file, it is very hard to find the file (you have to keep scrolling and mousing around in what amounts to pinhole access to an acre of ground). The it is hard to determine just WHICH backup you are restoring.

  • Christine Posti - Keep your receipt!

    I tried Australian Dream cream for my right thumb which has arthritis. It did not help at all, but being the eternal optimist, I kept using it and using it, hoping for an improvement, and after all, it's decent as just a hand cream. So now I am near the end of the jar and it's still not working, so I thought I'd take them up on their guarantee. Guess what, you have to send in your original receipt with the jar! If you are buying this product for the first time, I'd suggest you tape the receipt to the bottom so you will have it ready if it doesn't work for you either. (But I do hope it does work for you!)

  • Phil - Awesome unit, incompatible claimed media file types

    Awesome addition to my 09 Accord Coupe. Install was straight forward for the most part as long as you take your time to find the right place to put the accessories.