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Derecho Penal Online | Home - Revista electrónica de actualización contínua de doctrina y jurisprudencia sobre derecho penal, derecho procesal y criminología totalmente gratuita, no comercial y con fines académicos de desarrollo y debate de ideas entre profesionales y profesores de distintas partes del mundo de habla hispana.

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  • Rollie D. Newton - Makes my computer crawl.

    Tried to use it for 1.5 months. Made my computer really slow and couldn't use it at all for 20 minutes after each startup because it maxed out the CPU usage with a Kaspersky file called avp.exe. I tried several times to get it resolved through the Kaspersky help techs. I tried everything they told me to try and nothing really helped. I finally erased it and downloaded a competetor's product. This one works fine and causes no computer slowdowns. I have used Kaspersky for two years before this with no problems and I do think their virus software is one of the best for detecting problems. However, I think Kaspersky has some problems with the 2013 version, but they don't want to admit it. It's a CPU hog.

  • RhondaC - Item doesnt work please dont waste your money

    I am 39 years old, had a complete hysterectomy 14yrs ago and have been on low dose of hormone since.

  • mark in hawaii - Rather expensive but it seems to work...

    My elderly mother suffers from Parkinson's & arthritis. For the past three years or so, she has had to curtail her daily activities. The pain in her legs have had her unable to walk and even do the simple stretching exercises that keep her mobile. She's tried a number of different products. Since starting the Australian Dream Cream, she has more than doubled her walk and has been able to resume simple household chores. To me, it has been quite remarkable.