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  • Ty's Gram - I do feel like I have more energy and I am remembering things ...

    I do feel like I have more energy and I am remembering things easier than before. I feel like I stay more alert than I did before taking the alpha GPC AND choline. I have always joked that I have ADD, because I am easily distracted, I feel that since I have been taking this product, I am able to stay more on task and not easily distracted.

  • S. Goff - Not sure how, but it works. And works well!

    These seem to work. My kids take them every day. Lots of kids around them have colds and strep. Before I started my kids on these three years ago, they got tons of colds and tons of strep. Now they don't. Not sure how it works, but it works, and I'm not complaining.

  • Briona - Not for me

    It did not work I did everything that was required and asked but my stomach looks the same , I'm not happy with the product .

  • Shelley - Beat Internet Security EVER!

    I have used so many different Internet Security's and I wasn't happy with any of them. A friend told me about Kaspersky so I thought I would try it. It is amazing! Took care of my internet problems immediately! No more pop ups, auto back up, Kaspersky is by far the best Internet Security I have ever used and I will re-new when the time comes!

  • Caroline Quiong - But for traveling stick to paper books.

    I bought this for the Kindle for my trip to Rome, Florence and Venice thinking that it being on the Kindle would be convenient and a space saver. It's comprehensive but if I had it to do over again, I would buy the book version. It was very impractical to try using a tour book in electronic format, so much so that I didn't even use it. So, although it'll add bulk to your luggage, I think it's worth getting the actual book for travel.

  • TheClick - This software reduced my 80GB/sec FIOS network to dial-up speed ...

    This software reduced my 80GB/sec FIOS network to dial-up speed. Not too long after I installed it, everyone in the house begged me to get rid of it and go back to Norton 360. McAfee has always had the reputation of being a resource hog, but you have to experience it to fully appreciate how it can turn a quad-core computer with 16 GB of memory into an abacus. Most frustrating experience I've ever had with a computer. I'm deleting it from my system and returning it to Amazon.