sws37.16mb.com Review:



SWS 38 - Your Source for Social News and Networking - Pligg is an open source content management system that lets you easily <a href='http://pligg.com'>create your own user-powered website</a>.

Country:, North America, US

City: -97.822 , United States

  • Craig in Florida - Flexitol Heel Balm

    I've been using this product for several weeks now and so far I've experienced only marginal improvement at best. I didn't buy it because there were cracks in either of my heels because there were none. Rather, the perimeters of my heels were simply rough and I was hoping this application would remove that roughness. So far, it really hasn't. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I live in FL where I rarely have the need to wear socks? For what it's worth, my wife has also used the Flexitol heel balm and she has had slightly better results but nothing that you could call earth shattering. Therefore, I really can't recommend Flexitol based on my own experience but I suppose it could work differently from one person to another person based on my wife's slightly better experience with it than I've had.

  • Kate Wong - Broke after first use, customer service refused help after 1 hour on hold

    I used it once and then tried to install their firmware update, which immediately broke the machine. After weeks of communicating with their customer support via email and trying the various fixes they copied and pasted from their website, it still didn't function. Their support email address stopped communicating with me suddenly so I eventually called their hot line, and after being on hold for 50 minutes, was told there was no record of my emails but I should try to download their "new" fix because the ones I tried didn't work. At this point I'd spent many hours trying to make this machine work, including since they claim to have updated the fix, but the company refused to work out any sort of refund or replacement with me (and the customer service rep actually refused to get a supervisor for me to talk to -- he put me on hold and then came back and claimed that the supervisor told him to tell me to "do what I already said"). Atrocious customer service, piece of **** machine.