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Sexologie - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Cum gasesti un sexolog bun? Afla informatii despre cele mai frecvente disfunctii sexuale: Dorinta sexuala hipoactiva; Disfunctia erectila Ejacularea precoce & intarziata;Tulburarile orgasmului; Dependentele sexuale

  • Sexolog bun - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Care e diferenta intre sexolog si psihosexolog - Ce inseamna de fapt un sexolog bun?
  • De ce facem sex? - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Exista 237 de ratiuni pentru care ne angajam intr-o actiune sexuala. Oare sunt pregatit(a) pentru a face sex?
  • Dr Rares Ignat: consultatii psihosexologie - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - psihosexolog certificat de European Federation of Sexology si European Society of Sexual Medicine - psihoterapeut autonom certificat COPSI
  • Zone erogene - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - care sunt cele mai importante zone erogene: pielea, mameloanele, clitorisul, vaginul, penisul si testiculele
  • Excitare & Erectie - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - citeste care este mecanismul prin care se produce erectia si excitarea feminina
  • Orgasm & Satisfactie sexuala - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - orgasm vaginal sau clitoridian? poti pune semnul egal intre orgasm si sastisfactia sexuala?
  • Dorinta sexuala hipoactiva - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Aproximativ unul din cinci barbati si una din trei femei pot fi afectate de prezenta unui erotism deficitar, a unei dorinte sexuale reduse
  • Disfunctia erectila - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Incapacitatea de a obtine o erectie adecvata (disfunctia erectila) e o problema cu care se confrunta zeci de milioane de barbati. 1 din 4 au sub 40 de ani.
  • Ejacularea precoce & intarziata - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Cand devine ejacularea precoce (EP) un diagnostic? Care sunt beneficiile medicatiei si cum poate sa te sprijine un psihosexolog? Ejacularea intarziata
  • Tulburari ale orgasmului - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - psihosexologia dispune de tehnici pentru combaterea durerii sexuale (dispareuniei) sau a contractiei involuntare a musculaturii genitale (vaginismul)
  • Dependente sexuale - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Ce favorizeaza adictiile sexuale? Care sunt principale forme de dependenta sexuala?
  • Educatia sexuala a copilului - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Mit: copilul meu inca nu e pregatit sa afle informatii despre sexualitate Mit: discutiile timpurii despre sexualitate incurajeaza activitatea sexuala
  • Dimensiunea normala a penisului - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Dimensiunile penisului difera de la o persoana la alta, insa si mai mult difera perceptia asupra acestor dimensiuni
  • Durata actului sexual - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Mit: actele sexuale dureaza 30-45 de minute… asa am vazut in filme Durata actului sexual
  • Masturbarea - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Mit: Masturbarea e un pacat sau sigur te imbolnaveste si iti pierzi functia sexuala
  • Sex oral & anal - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Mit: Daca am facut sex oral, anal sau l-am masturbat, mai suntem virgini nu-i asa?
  • Gelozie & Infidelitate - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Mit: Barbatii sunt toti niste porci ce nu vor decat sex si apoi te inseala Mit: Femeile sunt niste curve ce nu stiu decat sa profite de tine
  • Sex & violenta - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Mit: Abuzul sexual este acelasi lucru cu violul Mit: Persoanele ce raporteaza un abuz sexual ‘si-au cautat-o’
  • Homosexual & Transexual (LGBT) - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Mit: Homosexualitatea si transexualitatea reprezinta acelasi lucru Mit: Homosexualitatea e o alegere sau o problema psihopatologica
  • Sunt insarcinata? - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Mi-a intarziat menstruatia acum. Se poate sa fiu insarcinata? Semne de sarcina
  • Mijloace contraceptive - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - coitul intrerupt, prezervativul, pilula contraceptiva, steriletul, pilula de a doua zi
  • Boli cu transmitere sexuala - sexologie psihologie Bucuresti - Mit: Daca cineva are o boala cu transmitere sexuala se vede cu usurinta: gonoree, herpes genital, infectia HPV, Chlamidia, HIV SIDA

    Country:, Europe, RO

    City: 25 , Romania

  • Kayla Tornquist - Incredible!

    Absolute magic. This is pretty much the magic eraser of cosmetics. Totally worth every penny and it will last forever, definitely buying again!

  • Alberta - Perfect Fit

    Looked all over for a shorter antenna for a 2010 Chevy Equinox. Even the dealer said that I wouldn't find it. Thanks to I instantly found it and it fit perfectly. I can now enter my garage without unscrewing the antenna and then rescrewing it after I pulled out. Very reasonably priced and arrived in a matter of a few days. Love it, Love it. And the radio works well also.

  • Ella - 2014 Honda Civic

    Finally one that fits all the way down. This car has a very deep windshield and I've bought jumbo size and then some. This fits perfectly all the way!!!! Good quality and well worth the money!

  • Judith L. Spak - WARNING: The free 24-hour support will cost you $199.00

    When the computer did not do what the Quickstart Guide told me it would do to install the software, I called the support number on the box. It was just to the right of the copy that says "FREE 24 HOUR SUPPORT." I did not reach Bitdefender - I reached iYogi - but there was NO contact information for Bitdefender. I was kept on the phone for almost an hour and the tech guy "took control" of my computer and rushed me through steps in which I clicked on "I agree" without being given the time to read what I was agreeing to. When we got to the point where he detected ninety-nine "problems" already on my NEW computer he began the hard sell. He needed to fix all these problems before we could install the software and he could start just as soon as I forked over $199. Granted, this would cover any problem I had with the computer and any peripherals for a full year, and it was a very good value because I could expect to have to take the computer into the shop at least three or four times over the course of the year. (I've been a Mac user for twelve years and only made one trip to the shop, and that was because of a lightening strike! Could a PC be THAT much troubler?) I balked at being charged so much for free support and I got kicked upstairs to a "supervisor" (read deal closer) who was so offensive that I decided to eat the twenty-one bucks and seek internet security elsewhere. But not without recalling the best advice I've ever gotten from a friend: DO NOT STORE A HAMMER ANYWHERE NEAR YOUR COMPUTER!

  • RWebs - Pretty Good Franchise, not the best game

    While I do love this game, I would like to see more variety of songs. Sure, there is downloadable content. But not enough, plus you have to pay extra for it. I think 2014 was honestly a better edition. The gameplay is great, as well as the online features. I will probably buy the 2016 edition.