Review: - VENTOLIN and VOLMAX CR: Albuterol (salbutamol) 2/4mg and 4/8mg tablets - View - Ventolin is a bronchodilator drug use to relax the muscles found in the airways. It also increases the air flow in the lungs. Salbutamol, the active ingredient

Country:, North America, US

City: -94.566 Missouri, United States

  • Kathryn Kelly - A must have for dry, damaged hair.

    I'm an avid swimmer and even with the use of a swimming cap and daily conditioner, my hair feels like straw from chlorine damage. I purchased this shea butter solely for the benefits of moisturizing my hair and scalp.

  • Anna A. - Amazing

    I love this polish. It is super holographic and opaque in a couple of coats. It does dry a little bumpy so it needs a top coat but that just makes it even more sparkly.

  • curtis - Fit and finish very good, ui decent it gets you places quickly but ...

    Fit and finish very good, ui decent it gets you places quickly but feels very archaic meaning android from 2009, 2010 era. Sound is very clean and clearI can see this device being made for classical music and for live instrumentation from acoustic music. But if you like listening to hip hop or r&b or EDM music YOU WILL NEED TO LOOK ELSEWHERE! I can't state that any stronger without using profanity. Hip hop music has a heavy in your face presence r& b vocals are very powerful, this device makes the powerful very tame, way too clinical for that type of music. The EQUALIZER DOES NOT WORK at least through 3.5mm jack or chord mojo dac. Chord Mojo connected to cellphones recognizes and responds accordingly to EQ from 3rd party apps but not from this player. For those who say that a device this expensive should only cater to neutral music as the artist intended, needs to get a clue, When you eat at even the finest restaurants they have salt and pepper and other condiments to season to taste if you prefer. If you want old people food with NO seasoning you will like this player. I was really excited about this player but after receiving and listening to it for awhile I have to say my Iphone and 3rd party apps sound BETTER to me with my Mojo and Audeze EL8 open back headphones especially because I can EQ to my bass flavored sound preference. This may seem like a rant but when are companies like this going to recognize hip hop as the lucrative business that it is, and before anyone tries to argue different look at the HUGE success Beats by Dre had on a inferior product. RECOGNIZE US TOO!!!

  • lisad - Product arrived with broken seal and inner seal not affixed to opening.

    I'm not sure what I am going to do now. I received this honey today and immediately noticed the outer pink and black paper seal was no longer intact, next, I noticed the plastic seal around the bottle had also been unsealed, and lastly, the paper seal on top of the honey itself had been peeled off and was laying on the mouth of the jar!! I immediately went online to the seller's website, and discovered the item is not returnable. I sent a note to the seller as surely whomever packaged this most certainly realized the seal was broken, and since this is a nonreturnable item, I can only guess this item was tampered with by ????. Wow. Utterly unacceptable!!!!

  • Kristen Walker - Does the job nicely

    The solar lights are great. Only had them mounted two days. Right now they are working great. Will probably be able to update this review later.