

Pharmaciesreview : Website stats and valuation - Online Pharmacies Reviews Ratings Scam Reports. As health care costs continue to rise, many people start looking for new and different ways to reduce costs they spend on medication. While getting medicine in the local pharmacy remains most popular way to get prescription drugs, it's also important to know that there are reputable online pharmacies consistently delivering the cost-effective prescription plans you've come to expect. One solution to the problem of the high cost of prescription drugs in the U.S. is to buy your medication from much less expensive online pharmacies. It is easy to buy prescription drugs online at the discount prices offered by pharmacies in internet. For some medications the savings can be as great as 80 percent when you buy prescription drugs from an online pharmacy. So it makes sense to buy from licensed internet pharmacies to get affordable, safe and effective medications. Online we face hundreds of thousands of websites and thousands of merchants dedicated to healthcare on the web - some of which are legitimate sources and online stores and many that are not. Unfortunately, the majority of online pharmacies selling prescription drugs do not obey the rules and regulations made by FDA. Buying prescription drugs from an online pharmacy can be safe, though. Consumer just need to know where to look for online pharmacies and what online pharmacies to trust. To help you make an informed choice, and as part of its mission to protect the public's health, has reviewed, and continues to review, thousands of online pharmacies to determine if they maintain safe pharmacy practices.

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  • Mark Sisson - The most extensive book on fasting out there

    Excellent. In recent years, intermittent fasting has become a growing interest of mine. Personally, I've adhered to a compressed eating window and seen great results. Although I've studied the benefits of intermittent fasting pretty extensively, Jimmy still offered up a slew of new information. The book is both accessible to the layperson, but uncompromising in the hard evidence it offers for its conclusions. He covers the intricacies of insulin resistance, gluconeogenesis, and offers real testimonials and labs from people who have experienced the benefits of fasting. I enjoyed his investigation into physiological biomarkers like growth hormones and metabolic rate, but also his attention to the history of the practice--referencing great fasters like Mark Twain (a tidbit I didn't know before reading the book).

  • Amazon Customer - Doesn't work well on a smartphone

    Lots of interesting, well written, off beat articles, but several were reproduced with very small type or very narrow columns that don't show up well on my phone.