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  • Walter Wu - Upgraded from 2011 - constantly crashes during file conversionuic

    I am a Quicken 2011 Premier user, and therefore is being forced to upgrade since online-related services for the 2011 version is being discontinued.

  • S. Palmer - Ooh la feels and smells GREAT!

    Fantastic conditioner to use following the use of the Peppermint and Aloe shampoo and the honey creme moisturizing shampoo. Fabulous new product line!

  • Ks Gal - No customer support

    I had LC 2005 for almost 10 years & loved it. I'd saved hundreds of family & favorite recipes. I cook daily & relied on this online cookbook. My computer crashed & I purchased a new one. I was able to restore my old computer & purchased LC2015 upgrade. When I went to restore 10 years of recipes, I kept getting an error message. I emailed RT & finally received a reply. I tried what Melissa told me to do & it didn't work. After a couple of attempts to get additional help, I received no reply. I called & left messages & no one called me back. Finally I disputed the charge on my credit card. But what I really want is my recipes. I can't begin to replace them & I'm sick about it. I can't recommend anyone purchase this product because they don't back up their product.

  • Amazon Customer - Stroke survivor

    My husband had a stroke 11 yrs ago and this is helping him to do exercises that are good for him. He did ride his bike to the gym weekly but we live in a warm climate and that has limited him. So now he does things at home more often. I love it for myself also, 72 and need this exercise. It is like Silver Sneakers just done at home.

  • Lynn - I bought an item from an auto parts place recommended by the employees

    works a little. I don't think any thing will take off the "film" on the headlights of my 2002 Toyota. I have seen many others in the same condition. I bought an item from an auto parts place recommended by the employees...didn't work at all,

  • Amazon Customer - missing items

    when I received this item, it was missing the 2 9 volt batteries that were supposed to be included. Also missing were the bolt, nut and 2 washers needed to connect the base to the handle. Extremely disappointed!!!