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  • Ike in Maryland - This ball is hard

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  • Fjohn624 - Every color of this plastic is perfect. I haven't had any problems printing with it ...

    Every color of this plastic is perfect. I haven't had any problems printing with it and I have tried every color.

  • pastorjfa - GREAT TIL IT BREAKS

    I will start of saying I loved my NuWave oven while it was working. The problem is at just over 15 months it started to act like a fuse was blown and needed to be reset. I tried it in different sockets but it made no difference. For about two months it would work sporadically until it finally won't work at all. I notified the company and they said the power head was shot and offered me a new head for $40 plus 19.95 shipping because it was no longer in warranty. Then they informed me that the only way I could get that deal was to ship back the defective (out of warranty) old power head at my cost for shipping. iF i WOULDN'T DO THAT THEN THEY WERE GOING TO CHARGE ME $65 PLUS 19.95 SHIPPING. Does anybody think this makes sense other than their customer service. SO BEWARE IF YOU WANT A GREAT WORKING COOKER FOR LESS THAN 18 MONTHS THEN BUY IT BUT DON'T COUNT ON GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE AND PLAN ON SPENDING $85 EVERY YEAR AND A HALF TO CONTINUE ENJOYING THIS COOKER.