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City: 20.35 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hungary

  • Dannaca M Patterson - Great Guide

    I know that some people have complained about the format, but since this is the first writers market I've ever used I find it easy to deal with. There is a ton of helpful information and I think that everyone who is interested in writing as a career should own it.

  • Mommy of kiddos - Awesome!

    It was great to switch the old antenna out because it kept hitting out garage coming in and out. This was such an easy switch!

  • Everett - Poor video quality

    We received this camera as a gift. The video quality is very poor. Everything looks grainy no matter what settings we use. Very disappointed.

  • DoctorQ - If you love YETI, you will love RTIC

    I have two RTIC products -- this item and their 64oz "growler". I also have a can cooler from Yeti as well as an insulated steel water tumbler from Coleman.

  • Marc Arndt - Good rain protection, but a delicate garment.

    I've had 2 Marmot Precip jackets. Living in San Diego, I only get a few opportunities to wear them a year. So they spend 99% of their life in a closet. Yet, after about a year the white coating on the interior disintegrates and suddenly there are white flakes everywhere. I know $99 isn't a lot of money in the outdoor jacket world, but I have similar light rain jackets that haven't disintegrated in the closet. I understand there are care tips specific to this delicate white coating, but I shouldn't need to baby a jacket I wear 3 times a year.

  • Maria Hernandez - Great little charger!

    This is a great charger. Great build quality and both of the ports are sturdy. The higher power output charges my iPhone 6 plus faster than the apple brand iPhone charger. I recommenced this product to anybody that is looking for a new charger.