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  • Phemmy - I love this product

    I love this product. I have been using it for sometime. It's a bit heavy and greasy when rubbed in the hair so I think it's best to rub it in at night and wash off in the morning. Sometimes I rub in it & use a hair dryer or steamer for a few minutes. My hair feels and looks lovely afterwards.

  • Austin - No visible improvement

    When it says subtle it truly is so subtle I cant see any form of improvement after all 14 days (and i took pictures), I do not recommend this product to anyone,a huge waist of 30$. The stuff my sister purchases from the dollar store makes her teeth 100% whiter than mine after the second box of this stuff. I used it perfectly to the instructions and am thoroughly disappointed.

  • Karen Santasiere - Reduces hair loss

    This is the first shampoo I've found that doesn't strip hair color and seems to have reduced the number of hairs that fall out during washing. I've been losing hair for a few years, noticeable in the shower drain. This has been significantly reduced and I'm buying another bottle of this shampoo.

  • Meems - Nioxin Totally Changed

    I have used this product for the past 5 years and just the last bottle I used had a different feel to it and didn't even seem as if I had purchased the same shampoo. It is now heavier to the feel, more like oldtime shampoo and doesn't even smell the same. I never used it due to loosing hair, but rather for more volume and scalp calming. Now I don't notice any difference from using it or using other commercial shampoos. Has to be that now it belongs to Proctor and Gamble and they have changed the formula. I am discontinuing my use of this shampoo and on to another search for something that will stop my dry scalp from itching and still produce shiney hair with a fuller feel to it.

  • Jennifer S Garraton - Great buy!

    Love this product, it fits perfectly to the Uppa Baby Stroller Vista and it holds a bottle of water, cellphone and car keys without falling.

  • Donnamarie Arnold - I thought it was an app, but I called ...

    I thought it was an app, but I called Amazon and they were so kind to explain what an app is and why this is a book, not an app. But i kept it anyway, although i'm not actually using this digital NAB yet .... I just cant seem to get away from my old battered up marked up physical Book!