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  • Dominicus - Wise advice in need of a treadmill

    The author has great career advice to give and where specific advice is found in this book, it's delivered very well.

  • Sandra V. Ohlson - Fantastic!

    I held off on writing this until I had a chance to use it for awhile. I have had acrylics for 22 years solid, and thought I would be a slave to the nail salon forever. After the last time the mancurist sanded my nail to within an inch of it's life (it was so pink I thought it was bleeding, and yes I know, just get a different manicurist but I've had it) I was determined to get out of the grasps of the nail salon. My nails are extremely thin and brittle and I never thought I would be able to do without professional acrylics or shellac. Lo and behold, this wonderful little system!

  • wsilver - Love the fit but not waterproof

    I hope the pair I got was just a lemon - going in to day to return/exchange, but first time out on a wet vacation day of walking thru lightly puddled London city streets, parks & sidewalks, both shoes leaked up through the bottom to wet my toes (not talking downpours here, just short light showers). Got back to room & removed the insoles to find both footbeds wet. I love that they're leather & they fit my hard to please feet so well, but after five more following days of similar weather & similar leakage, what disappointment!

  • Love!!! addicting!!! Def keeps my mind sharp!! - SO AMAZING!! perfect for imperfections!

    This stuff is AMAZING!! I have rosacea, and even with the thickest concealer and foundation, you can see the redness creeping through. I applied tiny amount of this ONLY on my redness and blended, did not HAVE to put foundation over it, and my face looked GREAT!!! This will be my go to from now on instead of foundation!! Perfect for someone who hates wearing makeup all the time!!

  • Mrs. W. - Great Massager, BUT...

    I just bought this unit. It is great with one exception- after 20 minutes, it overheats and cuts itself off. This is a built-in safety feature. Only 20 minutes of use is no good to me! This is supposed to be a professional piece of equipment! I have been using it properly- keeping all areas open to circulation. I wish I had known this before spending $200!

  • BaileyJane - tasts fine

    this is a great product for so many uses, I use it to replace a meal and to help regulate my hormones. my Dr had recommended soy milk, but upon further research, it is fermented soy that you want, not too much non fermented, like soy milk.

  • L. Helm - Not worth the money

    I purchased the Back2Life April 23, 2010. I've had it for 3 agonizing weeks and I am sending it back. When I first got it, I noticed it didn't do much but I did feel some movement throughout my back and with my condition, I have degenerative disc disease with a dessicated disc and a chronic sprain at T7/T8 and I have a bulging disc with spinal stenosis at L4/L5, I thought the light movement would be beneficial because I cannot move much without excrutiating pain. I thought this would help ease me back into having some range of motion and I would feel better. When you get to this point, you will try anything! It did not help, in fact, it made my lower back much worse. I used it twice a day and followed all the instructions to the T. I was so naive at first I didn't realize it was the machine making me worse, some days are just worse than others and the machine didn't do much so I didn't attribute it at first. I stopped using it mainly because I was hurting too bad to do so and my lower back started feeling better. So this was a huge waste of money and energy for me. I just disassembled it to send it back and really hurt my back disassembling it (the assembly was easy.) I found disassembly instructions in the owner's manual after I hurt myself and got it taken apart. If you have to disassemble this machine, please see your owner's manual. This has nothing to do with the machine itself, probably just my bad luck, but when I took the leg off the bottom it didn't slide off and so I had to give it a little push up and it flew off and hit me in the face and I was bleeding. I finally got it back in the box to go back and I will be so glad to be done with it! I hope I can help people with conditions similar to mine to save their time and energy (and backs) with this review.