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  • Ashley - Great for getting rid of fine lines and healing wounds

    It smells a bit bad in my opinion, like a cow pasture (I'm from the mountains of North Carolina and I definitely recognized the scent), but I've never had such amazing results from any skincare product. I went in person to some local shops to confirm that the scent is typical of the product and it smelled essentially the same at each location (they were very high quality shops, one being the natural grocer Erewhon in central LA). I had noticed some fine lines reaching under my eyes toward my cheeks and flipped out; I'm 27. I ordered this oil from Acure after comparing against hundreds of other brands and felt confident that the quality was top notch. I was not let down. Within a week, my fine lines were nearly imperceptible and I'm very scrutinizing when it comes to my skin. To deal with the scent, I mix it with a few drops of Nuxe Huile Prodigeuse. It covers the scent quite well. Also, I've been using the oil on some skin shave-biopsy sites (aka big holes leftover from mole removal). I was using antibiotic ointment with no positive results; the sites looked red, inflamed, and like they were headed toward infection if they weren't already infected. I applied the argan oil to the sites after showering and then wet some thin gauze with filtered water and applied more argan oil directly to the gauze. I taped the moist gauze directly onto all four of the biopsy sites. By the next day, I took the gauze off and my mind was blown. These holes nearly the size of a pencil eraser that hadn't been healing for almost a week were nearly closed and flat! Most of the redness had gone down along with the swelling and itching. I will never be without this stuff again as a first aid ointment.

  • Perseus Roach - Finally a good piece of work!!!!

    I admit, at first I was a little skeptical about the LP basically because I was let down from his two previous albums. So after listening to this one from downloading it a week ahead of time at first I was like it's ok. Then as I progressed to the second listen I was more like whoa as far as the direction he took. It definitely grew on me over time. I got to give him his props for the LP taking it back to the hip hop roots along with exploring with the melody. Salute to the man. I hope as a North Carolina native he continues to elevate as an MC and most importantly as an artist period.