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  • One with Power - Freaking scary

    Don't be fooled by the %30 that didn't give this 5 stars. This season is fantastic. My wife thought moth man would be a dud. But it was very scary. Same with the video game one. If you won't let yourself be afraid because you can't suspend disbelief, be it vampires, werewolves, or mothmen, then your imagination is limited, by your own stubbornness.

  • Amazon Customer - What a love story!

    Even though Lucy& Desi ended their marriage, theirs is a love story of epic joy, heartache, passion, romance, fights, betrayal, but most of all love. They have a love story that goes thru years, thru remarriage to others, thru their deaths. Lucy lived Desi. Desi loved Lucy. We all loved Lucy & Desi. Time may fly by but to sit and watch reruns of "I Love Lucy" is a joy, a giggle, a hysterical laugh that brings tears to your eyes. I found myself crying through bits of this book that are eye opening and make you realize nobody knows what really goes on behind closed doors of a marriage, even one so famous as theirs. This is a true treasure not only for fans but for anybody. What a wonderful book!

  • Cynthia King - You get High Quality sound

    This Bluetooth headset has a Business Style look, With smooth piano lacquer and delicate rubber coating, making it a high quality product.

  • Average Joe - EA is losing the hardcore gamers really quick

    I remained silent when Bio Shock came out, I didn't say anything when Mass effect was released, but I will speak out now!

  • Katherine M. Lloyd - Sanity Saver

    funny story: went to get a hair cut Friday, my stylist mentions my hair being so light and maybe do I want to darken it up a bit. Why not?? So off he goes to the hair color mixing land.

  • Angie - Great Product!!

    I usually walk right past the kiosks in the mall (Lakeline Mall in Cedar Park, Texas-Near Austin) but I decided to stop this time but had no intention of buying anything. She used the facial peel, moisturizer, nail buffer and cuticle oil on my hand and I was amazed enough that I decided to see what the price was. She told me she would give me a deal on all of the products (which also included a body lotion)for $179. There was no way I was buying it at that price! I ended up getting all 5 products for $79. I keep reading reviews of people buying ONE product for that so I feel I got a good deal.