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    Country:, North America, US

    City: -111.6133 Utah, United States

  • G. Yuan - I do not understand why there is a circular string ...

    I do not understand why there is a circular string.. I was guessing that it provides some more support to hooks... No major complaints, and it works okay.

  • Isabelle - regarding al bad symptoms posted by others

    This was very hard to purchase due to the mixed reviews. It does not taste like Parfume, but tastes and smells like the peals of grapefruit or other fruit peals. It didn't bother me in my opinion because I juice and a lot of people cant handle the taste of juices vegies and fruits. To me it is refreshing both by taste and smell. It did not make me have nausea or vomiting or bowl movements. It did make me urinate a lot which is good, it also made me get my period which is weird because I have a mirena iud and do not get my period. I guess that is good because this is supposed to cleanse us and aide in weightloss so I'm assuming its good. So far so good no other side effects. I will keep ya posted.

  • stranger A - hard to swallow

    If you take other supplements in softgel or pills, then you will find this product is hard to swallow. The product is good in terms of nutrients. But, it just doesn't encourage you to "take three tablets twice daily"..