www.drtoniphillips.co.uk Review:



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  • http://www.drtoniphillips.co.uk/index.php/category/skincare/ Cosmetic Surgery and Injectable treatments…How safe are YOU? | Dr Toni Phillips | Medical Aesthetics | Skin Care - Update of media reports involving breast implants and dermal fillers. Register for providers of Cosmetic Injectables.

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  • kitty - Excellent!

    I had been taking a lot of things I had no business. I was drinking alcohol like a fish. I ended up hospitalized because I'd taken tylenol while drinking alcohol. (Not on purpose) i had no idea about the side effects. I was in hospital for two weeks with a 50/50 chance of living. When I got out I decided to stop drinking and cleanse my liver for a new start. This cleanse cleaned me out!!My stomach was huge and it took it waaay down. I was going to the bathroom all week with massive stools (sorry, but u want the facts right?) Not only did it clean me out but I lost lbs as well. (Probably the poop weight) But after that I had more energy, felt better, skin got better and everything. I like it so much that I did it again about 6 months later but it wasn't such a good idea. So 1 cleanse a year I guess is fine. Me myself, I'm just gonna wait a couple more years before doing it again.

  • hawkeye376 - good universal design

    Mount was designed to fit just about any screw mount pattern imaginable. The parts bag had everything you could think of, and sorted into labeled compartments making it easy to find the parts you needed to use for your application. The instructions were fair, mostly pictures. I had no trouble figuring it out.

  • Tess - Great pricing for what you get

    Great pricing for what you get. Less expensive than going to local dept store. Good buy. Would probably buy again.

  • Amy22 - The worst Christmas gift ever

    I bought this bag as a Christmas gift for my husband. When he opened the box the first thing we noticed was that the metal leg of the bag was broken. Very disapointing!! On top of that, the seller did not pay for the return shipping despite of the fact that the product was damaged.