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  • Rebecca Beason - Curls sometimes

    Overall it actually does what it says, it curls your hair in nice ringlet curls and are even and uniform each time. I like this product, but you need squeaky clean hair in order to get the curls you want. It tells you to use this on clean hair which I do, but I have to use it right after I blow dry my hair in the morning. If I use this later on in the day after my hair gets a little oily than this does not produce any curls, just waves even on the highest setting. I like this product overall.

  • ViraGirl - Best shooter I've played in my 14+ years of gaming

    Just finished up the campaign a few minutes ago. Best shooter I've played in my 14+ years of gaming. Almost tied with Uncharted 4 (campaign immersion-wise), but slightly better graphics than Uncharted 4!

  • Dward - Work Purchase

    This is an item i purchased for work. I have not use them, but htey are being used widely here at work so i am guessing they are great . I have had no complanits at all.

  • Kay D Homan - Money well spent

    I have had this for about 10 months, It works. I am almost 66 years old. Decreases the size of pores, which was my biggest concern. It also decreases the fine lines and helps with the loose skin on my neck, which I love. I hate chicken neck. I love this and would recommend it, as long as you use it, it works! I use it for about 30 minutes at least three times a week, and enjoy using prior to bed as the heat is very soothing!

  • B. Mandel - Sleepytime Tea Works for Me

    I drink many Celestial Seasonings teas, and Mint Magic is one of my favorites (see other review). I drink Sleepytime once in a while and it really puts me to sleep quickly and I won't wake up -not even to tinkle -during the night. I see that one reviewer cautioned about drinking this tea regularly (though the veracity of claims in that review is highly questionable). I haven't researched the tea, but CS would not make something harmful. Sleepytime tea has been around for decades. On the other hand, that reviewer's caution about depending on a tea or anything else as a daily sleep aid is good advice. Still, this tea is fabulous to drink on occasion when you want to help ensure you get a good night's sleep. I can't say that it will work for everyone every time, but I have certainly found it very effective.

  • Veronica, from Harrisburg, PA - Too light for 4B or 4C hair

    First let me say, i'm surprised they charge so much for this product when its only $5 in family dollar. I honestly would have been really upset if i would have paid more than that. As a African American with natural hair, i have tried to use it numerous ways, twist-outs, as a moisturizer for the LOC method...etc. the product is very light weight. For a person who has thick course hair...i feel this is not the product to use. it doesn't live up to the hype within two hours my hair felt dry. I guess with any product its either a hit or miss. oh well...glad i only paid $5