www.cqda.org Review:



Centre québécois pour la déficience auditive - Accueil - Le Centre québécois pour la déficience auditive (CQDA) est un organisme provincial de défense des droits et de promotion des intérêts des personnes vivant avec surdité. Il offre des informations ainsi que des ateliers de sensibilisation à la surdité. Il regroupe les associations, organismes publics ou privés, fondations et autres intervenants québécois qui ont un intérêt pour la déficience auditive.

Country:, North America, CA

City: -73.5501 Quebec, Canada

  • Kathleen C. - It seems to have everything needed to study up on getting your CDL.

    So far so good! It seems to have everything needed to study up on getting your CDL. The book is well written and explains everything quite well.

  • joeb - Too much wax

    The soap and wax combination did a very nice job cleaning the car, both metal and plastic parts. However if you don't wipe off the windows it left a spotty residue that I found difficult to remove. I assume it was the wax. This product didn't work for me. I'll go back to just soap with no wax, and wax it myself with a liquid spray.

  • Astral - Slow, Unresponsive and a Waste of Money

    The title says it all... this game is horribly slow. The Wii cursor crawls across the screen, you can't skip most of the dialogue, and the game runs at a snail's pace. Speaking of the dialogue, everything the host says is unnaturally spoken and choppy. They spliced it together terribly, making it seem like a broken translator. The questions are terrible, and often the game won't recognize what you input or change it to something completely different, even if your answer is up there. The graphics are atrocious. Everything is hideously ugly. It uses your Miis, but only the faces, the rest of the animation is choppy and poorly implemented. Your Mii characters look like broken puppets on the screen. The game gives you a few options for backdrops and show themes, but after choosing them it never shows up. You can unlock some videos from the actual Family Feud show, which is nice if you are a fan of recent incarnations of The Feud, but it's a small and useless extra in a game that just plain stinks. The original NINTENDO version back in the 80s was better than this trash.


    Firstly, I didn't buy this shampoo off of amazon. That being said please don't buy it from anywhere. I didn't buy it with the hopes that it would make my hair grow faster, I bought it because it was the only sulfate free shampoo I could find at my local grocery store and it smelled nice. I've used it twice now and both times clumps of my hair fell out in the shower. Seriously, don't buy this product!