pimtegenms.nl Review:



Pim tegen MS - Mijn naam is Pim Hardijzer. Ik ben 49 jaar en alweer 11 jaar getrouwd met mijn steun en toeverlaat Ron. Mijn MS verhaal is begonnen in de zomer van 2009. Ik kreeg van het ene moment op het andere ineens last van mijn benen. Ze voelden heel zwaar aan en ik had het gevoel er doorheen te zakken. Het gevoel klopte ook niet. Wanneer ik op de vloer in de badkamer stond voelde deze onder mijn ene voet koud en onder de andere warm, een rare gewaarwording. In het Sint Lucas Andreas Ziekenhuis in Amsterdam ben ik door de medische molen gegaan. Lumbaal punctie, MRI scans van rug en hersenen, bloedonderzoek etc..

Country:, Europe, NL

City: 4.8995 , Netherlands

  • Nicholas Galliart - Necessary if you want your infant to ride in the BOB!

    I have a Graco car seat, yes that's right a Greco. Our friends loaned us a Graco BOB adapter which did not work with our Graco car seat. We called the BOB peeps and they told us we had to buy a Chicco version, confused yet? Anyhoo we purchased this and it worked however, our daughter really only needed to use it for a couple months before she could just ride in the stroller.

  • Juliad18 - Absolutely beautiful and amazing

    I am a huge fan of Lady Gaga. She has an amazing voice and writes beautiful music. This has to be my favorite album of hers. It's so amazing. & Joanne is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. Somehow Lady Gaga topped herself again. I could not recommend this album more!

  • David W. McMullen - Gordon West is a great 'Elmer'!

    He engages you in the material from beginning to end with solid examples, learning aids and lots of encouragement. The audio course works best with the book, but can be used effectively alone. I truly enjoyed listening to Gordo and learning from him.

  • Anton - Overhyped

    This game is not that great. There are less than 10 multiplayer maps. The maps are not well thought out and they are not that big. There is only one item in each battle pack and there is no longer attachments in the battle packs. All the guns come with free selection of the attachments. All you can get are skins and XP. It takes so long to level up. If you get like 8k-10k XP in one match you only gain half a level and that match took a half an hour. If you pay for 5 hours at one time you could gain a few levels only and that takes way too long. The single player stories are limited in that there is not much to do. All you do is follow a path, kill some people, and that is it. It follows the same mechanic as the other battlefield games, which is boring

  • bnnny - Not great, but what's your alternative?

    This software is, let's be honest, pretty poorly made and very frustrating to use. But if you try the H&R block one it's even worse. You can pay an accountant, but they get even more things wrong because they don't really understand your business. TurboTax Business survives because there is nothing better.