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Country:, Europe, FR

City: 2.3292 Paris, France

  • Bforboss9 - It is easy to assemble

    This is a high-quality back seat mirror, that is shaterproof. It is easy to assemble, and easy to trust since you know it cannot break near your little one. It is on the larger side, which I personally think is a plus. It is easy to see my niece in it, and know how she's doing during our car trips. Good product!

  • J. Sullivan - did nothing

    save your money, do not waste it on this cream, it is no better than anything you buy at the corner drugstore,could not tell that it did anything for my skin

  • C. Pizzolato - It works!

    Simply follow the directions on the box, drink it at night, and it will work the morning after you drink it. Sometimes, you may feel some slight cramping, but then you know it is working. However, it is not good to use daily as your body will come to rely on it. Use sparingly and you will be pleased.