

Naftali Tours - Touring services for travel professionals in Israel, Jordan and Egypt - touring services and land operations for travel professionalsOverseas supplier to agents for tours to Israel, Jordan and EgyptProvide services to the English speaking world – Office staffed by native English speakers.Provide services for groups and FIT’s (individuals)Weekly departure and private VIP tour packages for FIT’sSpecialist in pilgrimage and Christian based group tours

Country:, Asia, IL

City: 34.75 , Israel

  • Eric Lee - Get this ball

    I was initially concerned about buying this ball. I had read good things, but was unsure if I could like this ball as much as the Molten Pro Touch. I played with it the other day for the first time and immediately noticed how easy it was to pass, set, and hit. This is a hitters ball! The other thing you immediately notice is how easy this ball is to see and how well this ball floats and sets - no more bad sets! This ball is softer than the Pro Touch/Super Touch yet it plays just as hard. It feels like genuine leather not "plasticky" like I've read in some reviews. The group I generally play with is a diverse group of players and not a single person (from AA to near terrible) complained about this ball. If you are on the fence about this ball, take the won't regret it.

  • AlisonW - Intelligent historical read

    I love a good, intelligent historical novel. There are so many out there, and I have to be honest and say that, on many occasions, I have bought a promising looking book, only to abandon it within the first few chapters. Very often, the detail won't be right, or the characters will behave in a way that just isn't realistic for the time. One of the main issues though is that the dialogue can be so hard to get right. I've read so many historical novels where the characters use words that just wouldn't have been around in the period in which they are set, or, alternatively, where the writer is so keen to make the dialogue authentic that they overdo it and render the book unreadable.