

Maria do Céu - Consultora Financeira com experiência de 11 anos de trabalho na área Financeira, como Controller e Directora Financeira de empresas nas áreas da Tecnologia da Informação, Telecomunicações e Energias Renováveis, Licenciada em Administração e Controlo Financeiro, Bacharel em Contabilidade, certificada pela Microsoft em Excel 2007 e Access 2007, com o título MOS (Microsoft Certified Office Specialist) e MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainer)

Country:, North America, US

City: -122.3933 California, United States

  • Mike - Office 2010 is a better product

    I have been using Office Professional 2007 at work for years, and I bought Office 2010 for home use when it first came out. I can tell you that Office 2010 is a very worthwhile upgrade from 2007, and compatibility between those two products is decent. I recently purchased Office 2013 for work and I already regret it. If I could make the choice again, I would get Office 2010. Right now in February 13', Office 2010 is the best, most robust version of Office m$ has ever produced. There is almost no major reason to get 2013 and I can think of several, two just today, that are reasons NOT to. Access 2013 doesn't do the data collection via form from Outlook like 2010 does and they replaced that feature with " ", yep nothing, just gone. The entire "Collect Data" group is simply gone. How do they charge a higher price when they remove features? Today when I composed an email for my boss in Outlook 2013 and spent some time with spacing and formatting to make it look just like I wanted it to look, then sent it off. When I opened it in my 'sent items' folder to take a last look, I was pretty p%**ed to see a message at the top of my email saying "Outlook 2013 removed unnecessary lines from this message" which left my email looking pretty crappy. What an utterly useless "feature". That can be disabled in options but can mess up a plain text email for you if you forget to turn it off - same goes for Outlook 2010. If you are using Office 2007 or an older version, then an upgrade to office 2010 would be a worthwhile experience. I think I am finished with m$ Office products as of my 2010 version and will have to do something far different in the future. My advice - stay away from Office 2013. Access 2013 seems to be a product without a development team any more. They should have called it Office-Bob or Bob II, or Office-Me III, and Outlook should have been called Outhouse AFAIAC and that would have been more accurate. Bad product IMHO. I do not recommend this product.

  • William Boardman - Quicken Retal - Junk

    When you enter rent it puts it in the check register on the date the rent was due not when it was actually deposited

  • Shoppah617 - What was I thinking!!!!! Messy

    I must have had a stroke or been drunk or something because normally I'm not a vanity case, but I saw this on youtube and thought it might help hide my thinning crown. Instead, it was a BIG HOT MESS! This stuff got all over the place (floating aloft)and did not stick to the scalp well. Also, It would be a chore to use this on a daily basis. There is no way to cover up a bald spot unless it is done surgically. I was not satisfied with this product at all, I will own my thinning crown from now on.