

Marcos Alfredo - Jornalista atuante há 28 anos, Marcos Alfredo é formado pelo Curso de Comunicação da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB), já tendo atuado em vários veículos de comunicação da mídia impressa da Paraíba - como o Correio da Paraíba, Jornal da Paraíba e O Momento.

Country:, North America, CA

City: -73.5747 Quebec, Canada

  • Dorothy Lubbers - Keeps skin soft--much fewer wrinkles

    Been using it for YEARS. Wouldn't do without it. No one believes I'm as old as I am. I'm sure this has helped.

  • Lola - Perricone MD Cold Plasma works

    I started using this product about a month ago along with the moisturizer and the no makeup in the same. I get so many compliments on how beautiful my skin looks. My friends think I did something more extreme. This product works for me!

  • Peter G. Snelling - Read like a short story

    I became familiar with Craig Johnson through the proprietor of a genuine bookstore. Staff favorite! Every book is very entertaining , none disappoint . I will agree with others that missed the spiritual , Native American folklore present in most of the other Longmire tales. But on balance, this is another book leaving me longing for the next adventure! A really good read!

  • JayU - great for abs development without tradition exercises.

    If you think buying this belt is going to give you a 6 pack your wrong. A low calorie diet and lots of cardio will get you that. But once your body fat is down under 10-12%, this device works wonders. It works all the ab muscles and has 99 levels of intensity. it allows you to stimulate your abs muscles with out aggravating low back problems. I get more sore and tight from the slenderone belt than I do 30 minutes of ab exercises at the gym. The belt really isolates and intensely works the muscles.

  • Starboard Home - Bogus, nothing to do with the HGC diet.

    It even states "hormone free". I bought them and wish I could return them. Nothing but a few minerals mixed with sugar water, with a tad of rose water for effect. Don't waste your money. It's unfortunate that Amazon gives these as a first hit when searching for HGC, can't figure out why since there is NO HGC in these. If you follow a 500-800/day low carb/low fat diet, you'll loose weight, just not the one to two pounds a day a true HGC diet can produce. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY on this, it's just a placebo.