jinglepolitico.com Review:



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    Country:, North America, US

    City: -111.8906 Arizona, United States

  • Wendy - Hung up computer

    I was happily rolling along with Norton Internet until they discontinued it. Saw the price on the new Norton, and it was substantially higher, so decided to try McAfee. Everything was working well, until my computer showed a popup saying I needed to install the plugin for Firefox for the Web Advisor portion of McAfee (the program that protects you from entering malicious websites). That's when things went completely downhill. It hung up my computer horribly. We're talking speeds comparable to when home computers first came out. At first I thought maybe it was other programs that conflicted. But realized immediately when I uninstalled the plugin, my computer sped back up to normal. What a complete waste. The Web Advisor was the portion I was most interested in. I may go back to Norton, if I can find enough info that says the new version compares to the old Norton Internet. I should also add that I have Windows Vista home version, and I gave a copy of Mcafee to my brother who has Windows 8. He also had difficulties with start up hanging up, and the icons taking a long time to appear. I didn't have that issue because I leave my computer on unless a restart is needed.

  • Sara - This is a beautiful car seat

    This is a beautiful car seat! It came assembled and was easy to install. The only problem....my daughter hated it. The padding is minimal and my daughter would cry every time I put her in it. She always loved riding in the car before this carseat. I am thankful to be able to return it because it's just not working for her. I love the rebound bar and the look of it is so sleek. However, listening to my daughter cry and watching her squirm every time she had to ride in in broke my heart. Too bad. I had high hopes for this carseat.

  • Evy J - Nicely done overall

    This book was surprisingly good, very detailed and great illustration. A little unnecessary to have "tap or click" on nearly every single instructional point, and the long-winded summaries before the actual tutorials are also fairly unnecessary, but otherwise recommended.

  • Norma R. Mills - X-Box good deal

    This was a Birthday present for my grandson. He loved it and they tell me it is a great game to play.