

Impacto News - Informando a Verdade - Impactonews, Notнcias, Deodбpolis, Fбtima do Sul, Ivinhema, Dourados, Ribero Design, Mato grosso do sul, Notнcias com credibilidade, Seu site de notнcias, esportes, mъsica, intreterimento, cidades, moda, variados, acompanhe as noticas de Deodбpolis, economia, ciencia, saude, cultura, Eleiзхes, Polнtica, Polнcia

Country:, South America, BR

City: -43.2192 , Brazil

  • The Guy in the Hat - Seems serviceable, hope to put it to use someday

    Content seemed useful, fairly well organized. Many different options provided for traversing Iceland. Format of ebook changed around the 50% mark, not sure if this is unique to my experience?

  • Wendy's Mom - Very pleased with the simplicity.

    I preordered my Moov direct from the company and really like my Moov. I had a fit-bit but kind of gave up on it. Here are the reasons I prefer the Moov:

  • Old Codger - Not so hot for the price!!!

    Over rated and over priced for what you get. One should expect more at the price of this item. It does NOT remove calluses very quickly and the batteries supplied went dead within a couple of passes. Worked much better when I replaced the batteries with standard AA's I had on hand.

  • Mike Rheingold - It's just OK

    Shampoo is such a personal thing that it is hard to give a proper opinion. I just personally found the shampoo did not put any life of fluff in my hair. I wear my hair very short, Police regulation short, and have salt and pepper hair. If it claims to have all these vitamins, not sure what they are doing. Maybe a chemist would be able to tell you. I also got this at a Hilton Hotel as the in room supply.

  • S. Smith - Love it!

    I bought a bottle of this stuff at Tractor Supply of all places. I was looking for something to clean the vinyl on my boat that was not a bleach based product. (Bleach fades the vinyl and damages the stitching on the seats). I tried it on about four different spots on the boat. I sprayed it and then rubbed with a stiff brush. it did great. I have several more areas to do. I will update this post if my opinion changes. But as of right now, I think it is great. No bleach and no strong smell. Spots gone.