feldenkraisnoho.com Review:



Northampton Feldenkrais Studio in Western Massachusetts - Victoria Ahrensdorf uses Feldenkrais to help those with chronic & acute pain, scoliosis, cerebral palsy, MS, strokes, brain injury, back pain, osteoporosis.

  • http://feldenkraisnoho.com/about/ About Victoria Ahrensdorf, Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, & Ruthy Alon - Victoria Ahrensdorf has been teaching Awareness Through Movement and Relaxercise classes since 1981. Many students quickly gain flexibility & pain relief.

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -87.6272 Illinois, United States

  • Amazon Customer - Six stars!

    In the process of making my family’s skin/hair care products, I have purchased a lot of different ingredients from many different sellers. I research what each one has to offer, check it’s reviews and testimonials, then I tests it to see how it performs for my family. During the last 25 years, my family has found one ingredient that is CRUCIAL to maintain healthy skin and hair, Shea butter. Many products say they have the ability to heal the skin, this one actually DOES. Almost any oil can moisturize but each one has its area where it shines like Rosehip for facial creams or Argan for hair masks. For us, Shea Butter is the main ingredient that covers us from head to toe. After washing, we put on my Shea butter, body butter. It is rich and creamy, yet it soaks into the skin well. Then it acts is a protective barrier that heals the skin.

  • J. J. L. McGrath - Can Save Your Life If I Doesn't Drive You Around The Bend First

    This is one of the most frustrating pieces of software, but when you get it working it can be a lifesaver. I have used this software mainly for work at various positions since 2007. I have never, ever had this install easy and this version is no exception. First it was continuing to tell me when I was running a clone operation that I needed to reboot and it would never boot into Acronis. I then made an Acronis boot disk and got that to work only to have the Image start and then fail 100% of the time with no real information for resolution. Eventually, I was successful after running CHKDSK to get a good clone. Why is it worth the headache? Well Windows 8.1 was giving my BSODs and I could never find the responsible driver so I rebuilt the machine. Unfortunately, the Recovery Partition was Windows 8 which I had to reinstall and then Patch before I could install 8.1. So long story short the rebuild took the better part of a week. Hopefully if True Image works correctly it will drastically minimize the amount of time. This program is clearly not for the faint of heart. In my current work position we use Clonezilla which is Open Source and free. It is not as refined as True Image but after having spent as much time getting it to work, I am wondering if I made the right choice.

  • Krista B. - The BEST Callus Remover Offered.

    This is just awesome! I wanted one similar to this for Christmas and this one beats it hands down. It is simple to use and really gets the job done quickly. I have used with both dry and wet heels and it works without hurting. This Toilet Tree Callus Remover has a replacement grinding head with a flexible neck allowing you to get to those rough hard to reach spots. I am handing down my Amope to my grand daughter and keeping this one for myself.

  • Gabby - The "1 inch nut" on the end of the cap makes changing my oil filter a non-hassle event.

    1st off, a HUGE kudos to: By Rust Never Sleeps on September 9, 2012 This review is invaluable, please heed his advise. As for my 2 cents? My main reason for loving this oil filter is: The "1 inch nut" on the end of the cap makes changing my oil filter a non-hassle event.

  • Linda June - Best AntiVirus Tool I Have Ever Used

    I have owned computers since 1995 and used many at work. I have used the big name anti-virus tools and several of the free subscription types, plus the one that comes pre-loaded on Windows computers, and suffered slow-running devices, even with the paid subscriptions. Then, having to replace a work computer a few years ago, the salesman at the store recommended Webroot. I gave it a try on that computer, and, to my amazement, the new computer continued to run like a champ even after loading the Office Suite and other high-usage software tools and constant connection to the internet. I thought it might have something to do with the anti-virus tool, so when the subscriptions came due on the other computers at work, I switched to Webroot on those. What a difference! Now, all my home devices have Webroot, too. The program keeps its database in the cloud, not on your hard drive, so you never have to update the definition file. It constantly scans your computer in the background without ever interrupting your work. It is so seamless, that you hardly know it is there, yet not one single computer I installed it on has suffered a successful malware attack. I have recommended Webroot to everyone I know who complains of a slow computer and even persuaded my mom to switch. Since she is less skeptical of pop-ups and often falls for the scams purporting to be official Windows notifications, she was always getting malware issues. No more! Yay Webroot!

  • Zakko's Mom - Even works on brittle, thin, peeling nails!

    I have always had horrible nails. They would break and peel if you looked at them cross-eyed. This works great for me! It straightens the ragged ends without grinding away my whole nail. I even use it on my son's nails which grow like he soaks them in fertilizer.

  • Robert I Gardham - Don't waste your money on the Skeeter Vac

    I've had this system for 3 years and it captured about 3 mosquitoes. Don't waste your money on the Skeeter Vac.