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  • Erick N. - Worked perfectly for my 2008 Altima Coupe to replace a lost remote!

    This saved me roughly over $200 if I would have had to buy it through the dealer. Dealer only charged me $25 to program it with my car...Lock Smith didn't charge me to cut the physical key....Great product!

  • Pablo A. Campos - I don't recommend

    Hi - I bought these in hopes of relieving golfer's elbow in my left arm. I'd put these on my forearm area and then go have a golf lesson or go hit a bucket of balls. Well by the time I would finish, the skin would be on fire, and taking it off was like removing duct tape off of a hairy mans leg. VERY painful. My skin would remain red and sore for awhile. After about 3-4 times using them, I had to return them. It is possible if you use them on tougher not so sensitive skin that they would do what your looking for. But for sensitive area's like forearms, or neck etc, I do NOT recommend them.