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  • J. Oliver - Another Strike Out

    I picked up this product at a store that I work at and was pretty excited to try something that might actually work. See, I have razor and ingrown hairs all over my legs and being a girl.... well lets just say it not nice to the touch. I've just used up my first bottle. I still have dark spots, none of that improved (perhaps it would work better on the face?). It helped my ingrown hairs some, however I still had a significant amount. I've so far tried everything from AHA to glycolic on my legs after I've shaved and so far no luck. I've just ordered tend skin... so I have my fingers crossed.

  • Mr. Cash - highly recommend it.

    Wow! Simply wow! We started noticing a few roaches around the house, mainly coming from the back of the refrigerator. I can only assume they made their way in from the outside, since we haven't had them in the past. I initially purchased a few Raid products, that had a minor effect on the little monsters, and their numbers began to grow. I finally decided to do some research online, and came across this gem. THIS ACTUALLY WORKS! IT WORKS! It has been well over a month, and there's no more sign of these unwanted guests. I would give this 10 STARS if I could, highly recommend it. :)

  • The Best Book In Print on How to Find a Job! - The Best Book In Print on How to Find a Job!

    "What Color Is Your Parachute 2000?" is a classic. In my opinion, it is the best book on how to find a job in print. Highly readable and filled with practical, doable, and successful ideas from skill identification to Worst and Best ways to find a job, it assists the beginner and the experienced job searcher equally well.

  • Robert Lyons - Great Excersize Game

    I purchased this Fitness game mostly because I wanted to learn how to do Yoga and Tai Chi. However, I have found that I enjoy most of the other things that are contained on the disk also. I have found that time basically flies when you're using this as you get caught up in the game. I always ending sweating after the workout. Prior to this I played Soccer, Volleyball and Boxing on a 360 game and that was good exercise. This seems better to me as it is aimed at fitness first and game second. I've been using this a lot and I think I'll continue. I would recommend this to anyone trying to either get in shape or stay in shape. I wouldn't try boot camp again until I'm in better shape though...

  • Brandon Rideout - ... lasted about five seconds when my son pulled the hate down on his head and ears ripped off

    This costume lasted about five seconds when my son pulled the hate down on his head and ears ripped off. It's very cute, but not very durable.

  • weatheringthestorm - Thank goodness for stabilization.

    All I can say is thank goodness for this product. My symptoms hit like a sledge hammer. Almost overnight I had chin hair, restless sleep, hot flashes and overwhelming stress. While some people go through hormonal changes gently, there are those of us who crash badly. Soy isoflavones and black cohosh saved my life. While these herbs may not be the entire solution, they got me through a VERY difficult time. Eventually I started bio-identical hormone treatment, but at very low levels for safety reasons. This product is the little extra push that my body needs to really feel right. While it doesn't have a strong enough dosage of herbs for the worst symptoms, it is perfect for complimenting other solutions such as bio-identicals, exercise and diet. I've studied herbal remedies for many years, so I was excited to receive a complementary bottle for review. Besides the soy and cohosh this formula contains damiana, pomegranate, don quai and shatavari. While this product can't do everything, the difference it makes is quite noticeable if you are a hormone sufferer.

  • Amazon Customer - Revived my 4x4

    It's worked wonders for my 95' 4runner. When I bought my SUV, nobody had changed the tranny or differential fluid in years. This stuff perked it right up. My 4 wheel drive works beautifully now. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone who realizes you have to change more than oil and brakes to keep a car running.