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  • Dennis M. - Not impressed At all

    Decided to try this stuff and at the price, it's not worth it being you have to take so many. It's been a while since I took them but being that I didn't order them again, I know they didn't really do much. Don't remember any real boost.

  • Dave Quigley - ... my entire life and its typically a 3-4 week painful and incredibly uncomfortable 3-4 weeks

    I've been allergic to poison ivy my entire life and its typically a 3-4 week painful and incredibly uncomfortable 3-4 weeks. This past summer one evening as I sat down to watch tv after spending a hot Saturday clearing a great deal of brush from the back side of my property wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt I noticed strips of red itchy welts appearing all over both of my arms. I knew right away that poison ivy had found its way into the piles of brush I had moved. I was desperate knowing full well what was in store for me for the next month and immediately went to the internet.. hoping that there was some miracle cure... And I thank God that I found it. It was Zanfel! The ad noted that Walgreens carried it. I jumped in my car and made it just in time before closing and they did indeed carry it. I started applying it that same day I noticed it welting up my skin.. and I stopped it from progressing any further. It was arrested and gone from my skin with 7 days. I've tried every other treatment and nothing works anywhere close to this new product. I paid $49 for it from Walgreens that night and it was well worth it. I found it online on Amazon for $22. I bought two to have at home just in case....

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