

BMC Geriatrics | Home page - <p><i>BMC Geriatrics</i> is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the health and healthcare of older people, including the effects of healthcare systems and policies. The journal also welcomes research focused on the aging process, including cellular, genetic, and physiological processes and cognitive modifications.</p><p><i>BMC Geriatrics</i> is part of the <i>BMC</i> series which publishes subject-specific journals focused on the needs of individual research communities across all areas of biology and medicine. We do not make editorial decisions on the basis of the interest of a study or its likely impact. Studies must be scientifically valid; for research articles this includes a scientifically sound research question, the use of suitable methods and analysis, and following community-agreed standards relevant to the research field.</p><p/><p>Specific criteria for other article types can be found in the submission guidelines.</p><p><i>BMC series - open, inclusive and trusted.</i></p>

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  • Jeff Smith - good source of B12

    From what I've read, methyl B12 seems to be the best source of the vitamin. If you have pernicious anemia, 3-4 of these lozenges a day should do the trick. If you are a vegan and need some extra B-12, you can probably take one a day (or every other day). The pills are vegan (no animal products) and taste pretty good (slight lemon flavor).

  • Heather Amaral - Perfect Shake!

    This shake mix is a perfect foundation to so many different shakes. It's my go-to breakfast shake and can easily add frozen fruit and be done. I tend to like things that are easy without a lot of work and this shake mix is one of them. I find that a 200 calorie shake holds me until lunch with no problem, which is really great if you are trying to reduce your caloric intake. The taste is also great. It's a simple sweet cream (like vanilla) and goes great with all fruits. I highly recommend it.

  • Krista B. - The BEST Callus Remover Offered.

    This is just awesome! I wanted one similar to this for Christmas and this one beats it hands down. It is simple to use and really gets the job done quickly. I have used with both dry and wet heels and it works without hurting. This Toilet Tree Callus Remover has a replacement grinding head with a flexible neck allowing you to get to those rough hard to reach spots. I am handing down my Amope to my grand daughter and keeping this one for myself.

  • belladonna - Excellent

    Huge Afro Celt fan. This is a great compilation of their work over the years . Well done good listen cd

  • Amazon Customer - The Best We have Found

    As owner of a multiple cat household, (and dogs too), we have had a few issues with marking. This product removes all odor and traces of the urine better than anything else we have tried, and believe me we have tried everything. It leaves a nice scent after also. Use in conjunction with feliway spray and it will help eliminate even the toughest areas to keep marking to a minimum.