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  • You can call me Mike - Heroine too helpless for my taste

    The main character is pitched from one thing to another by her extreme emotional reactions. For example, her throat almost closes when she sees her day-old case is in the newspaper. It opens again when she sees her friend wrote the article. It made me wonder how she gets through a bad day alive. The author is trying to portray the character's reactions, but they are over the top. She's supposedly a doctor but she seems like a child. It felt like pandering. I suspect some of the smart, strong women I know would find this heroine equally annoying. My wife agreed the scene above sounded 'over the top'.

  • Simon - A great mattress in a world of average/expensive mattresses!

    The first time I heard of a Casper Mattress was during an evening binge watching TV. The concept of delivering mattresses on a bike is such a Manhattan thing that that I was intrigued. It seemed like a funky 'cool' company that was consumer friendly. I'm all about companies that go out of their way to help their customers. That being said, the quality of the product (uncompromisingly) comes first.

  • Dante - Disappointing

    For a Blizzard game, Diablo III was a pretty disappointing title. All the hype aside, the game suffers from repetitive gameplay, inferior graphics, and poor story telling. I know a lot of fanboys will immediately rush to Blizzard's defense, and for their part, I concede that Blizzard has given us many great game titles in the past that provided us with hours of entertainment. But right now, we are reviewing THIS game--not Blizzard's legacy.

  • Justice Robles - Very good

    The laptop was everything I was hoping for and more. It got here ahead of time which is a first. The boxing leaved a little to be desired but the laptop had no damage and was pristine. Great low budget laptop.

  • Kindle Customer - Great for charging up your devices.

    I have been very happy with it. It does a good job of recharging all my stuff. Great product for the price. Only thing I don't like about it is the glowing blue light. Wish there was a way to turn it off since I use it in my bedroom.

  • M. Cap - Good EDC.

    I use as my EDC knife. The thumb assist allows this tool to open quickly and efficiently with one hand. The 420HC dulls quickly but also easily sharpens fast with a Arkansas Soft Stone. The bottle opener is quite silly but I use it to awkwardly tie a lanyard using 550. My complaint, this knife needs to loose the opener and find a lanyard tie hole. An upgrade in the knife steel and would rank in up there with other popular EDC's.

  • notaxonAmazoninCA - It was so easy. Been using it a week and no problems ...

    Needed an extender in order to get internet from main house to back house which is about 30 yards away. Could not get a strong internet signal so Netflix would constantly bump me out and occasionally I would lose connection to my laptop. Went to a 'big box' store and purchased a Netgear unit. Could not for the life of me get the thing to work. Now, don't get me wrong, I am by no means a tech savvy 20 year old but I am certainly not a complete novice and I have a dang bachelors degree. I messed around with this thing for 2 hours before finally returning it. Decided to go online to my trusted Amazon site and based on user reviews, ordered this unit on Sunday night at 8pm and it came at 7:30 the next day!!!!!