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  • M. Zingsheim - Not for me

    For me this was a waste. I downloaded Kaspersky Internet security 2015 from Amazon and install the software the same day. Instead of my computer getting better, it actually got worse. Loading programs became so slow but Kaspersky told me nothing. When it did find what they reported as an issue, I made a note of that and approve Kaspersky to correct the problem.

  • Sandra O'neill Alves - 2016 version is now available!

    Not a happy customer, just bought this for $39 this week and now the price is reduced and the 2016 version is released. Not thrilled. This is the 4th Hallmark studio I have purchased over the years, great program, just not happy about what I ended up paying and not getting the 2016 version.

  • Westie - Cured my daughter's hives

    My daughter had been breaking out in hives for weeks and we couldn't figure out why. We hadn't changes soaps, she hadn't changed her skin care routine, we hadn't changed anything! I had her to 2 different doctors and was preparing for a visit to the allergist so I read up on what to expect at the appt. I read that more times than not, even after the the allergist does the "scrape tests" on your skin, you never figure out what causes the hives. I further read that steroids and allergy meds are often prescribed. I hated the thought of giving my child these strong meds in the hope there would be an improvement in her condition so before her appt (had a 2 week wait to get in to the allergist) I read about Black Seed Oil and all the "magical" cures you get out of it. I was very skeptical so I ordered the product but continued to read about this cure-all and even sought out people who used it. EVERYONE had a story about how it helped them in some way so I figured, it's natural, it can't hurt.

  • AnnaLee - It's fantastic!!

    It's a miracle one!!! I had one from Japan, much larger bottle, but thinner, liquidy texture and way more expensive. This peel leaves skin glowing, gives deep clean feeling! It has a tiny bit of a sour smell, but it's ok as it is not staying anywhere near once you wash off.

  • Danetta Wesley - Thank You Soooo Much For Making My Car Look So Great!!

    I Get Sooooo Many Compliments And Everyone Wants To Know Where I Got My Hash Mark Decal Stripes And I Send Them All Right To You!!! Thank You Soooo Much For Making My Car Look So Great!!!